Career Coaching

Sometimes work can be a bit of a turnoff, can’t it? Repetitive tasks, difficult colleagues, being passed over (yet again) for promotion.  Critical rather than positive comments from uncaring bosses at mid-year or end of year performance review. Feeling unseen, unheard and unrecognised for all your efforts.  Or maybe just not enjoying being there any longer – the work no longer gives you any positive charge.

You’ve probably tried to look for other jobs, or other types of career that might be more meaningful. You may have read books on the subject. Attended some Meetups.  Maybe even had some personality and/or career “fit”-type assessments done.  Yet nothing has made you sit up and say “Yippee! This is me!”  And it all seems such a huge effort.  Like trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack.  And what about the possible risk a job move could mean for your (current) financial security? That golden handcuff which keeps you tied to where you are – stale and flat.

Great, isn’t it?  Not.

How would it be to spring out of bed on a Monday morning excited at the prospect of going to work or to run your own business? To know that the work you were doing was something you really loved to do? And were good at?  And which led to you being recognised, valued and appreciated for your efforts by your bosses, your clients and your customers?

This is not an impossible dream.  The more we know about ourselves – our strengths, skills, passions, values, personal brand, etc, etc – the better able we are to position ourselves for the right work and the right career for us.

Career coaching sessions can really accelerate this process. Through an engaging series of exercises and one on one coaching sessions, you will learn more about yourself and your career preferences than you ever thought possible.  And will develop – with our support as your coach – action plans and strategies to move forward into the work that you love.

Our clients report increased feelings of self-confidence and well-being as by-products of this invigorating coaching experience.  We use a combination of Firework (TM) and CTI Co-Active coaching tools and techniques in our coaching. We are also accredited to use the Lumina Spark, Lumina Emotion and Lumina Leader/360 psychometric tools, increasingly favoured for personnel assessment by major corporates. And NEO-PI-3, Hogan and Myers-Briggs’ personality assessments. We’ve worked with leaders and managers at all levels in both private and public sectors and extensively with the media and high-tech sectors.

We typically work with our clients for between 9 – 12 sessions for a career coaching intervention. This is spread out over a three to four-month period.  We charge a sliding scale (dependent on client circumstances) starting from £110 for an hour-long session. To schedule a free 30-minute consultation session, just click the “Consultation Request” box on this page or email us on  (Scroll down if you are reading this on your mobile). Look forward to talking soon!

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